Neurofeedback Sydney

A program that will help you

Neurofeedback is a non-invasive therapy, which may assist a variety of presenting conditions, Sydney’s best positioned clinic for allied health services. Direct Focus Solutions, has partnered with the Neurofeedback Treatment Centre to offer tailor-made treatments to address symptoms of brain disorders, learning difficulties and mental health issues.

The brain is an incredible organ. It can adapt and improve its performance. Using the brain’s own ability to self-regulate, state-of-the-art technology is applied to resolve the symptoms of many disorders, including anxietydepression, ADD/ADHD, PTSD, concentration difficulties, autism, PMS, emotional disturbances, headaches and more. Simply put, neurofeedback (NFT) is a tool that trains the brain to regulate itself to improve performance. 

Our clinicians oversee all NFT services. Protocols are developed by our experienced psychologists, taking into consideration your individual circumstances. As well as important mental health conditions, it can be used in the academic and corporate sectors to increase performance as well as in elite sports. DFS offers NFT with biofeedback, heart rate variability and qEEG to provide the best solutions that meet the needs of all our patients. 

Our Support services are highly flexible!

Biofeedback is a method of learning how to control bodily functions, such as heart rate, muscle tension and blood pressure to decrease tension, manage anxiety and help with other symptoms that affect daily life. Essentially, NFT is biofeedback for the brain as it is a way of controlling brain activity. 

Alongside focused psychological strategies, we offer pro-active solutions to regulate and control brainwaves with EEG biofeedback and neurofeedback. Sydney residents have a choice of several DFS offices in and around the city for an initial assessment and to find out further information about brain training. 

An initial assessment is carried out by our team in Sydney—either at your home or in our office. Neurofeedback for each patient is a tailor-made program developed specifically after we have a clear understanding of your medical history, as well as your emotional and behavioural goals. We also test your brain’s electrical activity by placing sensors across your scalp and ears that monitor brainwave signals. 

Your brain signals are actively interpreted while you interact with a DVD or video game. The DVD or video game itself then changes subtlety in response. As you use the correct brainwaves, the graphics move along quicker, which trains your brain to use the correct ones and reach mental states previously unachievable. Over time, your brain becomes more efficient, resilient and flexible. 

Everyone is different and so it is hard to predict how many sessions each person will need. Some people may require around 30 sessions but for others, it can be more than 50. Improvements are typically noticeable between the second and fifth sessions, and studies have shown that in some cases NFT can work well in conjunction with medication.

As a non-invasive treatment, neurofeedback already has some benefits over other forms of treatment. For example, invasive treatments include surgery, which often puts additional stress on the body and mind to get through the recovery period.

Neurofeedback trains your brain to work in a more effective manner so that your overall mood and mental balance are enhanced. Thus, it can change the personality traits that do not serve your best interests, such as anger or agitation because your brain will simply learn how to react to certain situations in a calmer, less stressed way.

It does not and cannot change your interests, hobbies, likes, dislikes or who you are.

At your initial session, you will be able to discuss your situation with one of our fully qualified and fully accredited practitioners. We can go through some of the approaches that may be helpful to you and take it from there.

Depending on the nature of the therapy you need, you may require more or less sessions than others, and there may be work you need to do outside of the session. For example, CBT often involves work to take away and do at home; some sessions may involve psychometric tests and often, several types of therapy may be undertaken to produce the best outcome.

We think it is important to get the right fit and at the end of your first session, our psychologists will make a recommendation as to what therapy you may benefit from and how many sessions you may need.

Occasionally, mild side-effects may happen during neurofeedback training, particularly if the session is too long. Side-effects may include tiredness, anxiety or feeling irritable. Some people may experience a mild headache. These feelings typically subside after the session has ended.   

More serious adverse effects are likely to be a result of using unqualified practitioners who are not guided scientifically with an qEEG brain map, which is why we have partnered with the experts in this area to ensure our patients receive the safest and best treatments. 

If side-effects do occur, be sure to contact our neurofeedback practitioners at our Sydney clinic.

Additional Services

Lasting Results
Unlike medication which only works while it is being taken, NFT training delivers lasting results. Another way of looking at this is that brain training makes long term corrections in the brain, whereas medications control just the symptoms.
Medication has unpredictable side-effects—either physically or mentally. when administrated by a trained professional, NFT causes no harm or negative effects.
A Natural Option
Neurofeedback uses the brain’s own power to self-regulate. It is a naturally effective option rather than having to rely on the external influence of medications to regulate.
Past Trauma Does Not Need Recalling
Some therapies require individuals to recall past traumas, which may be overwhelming. NFT can be undertaken without having to relive the past, and it can pave the way for these other therapies to be used as part of a future treatment plan.

Schedule an Appointment

At DFS, we work with adults and children with mental health concerns and offer assistance to people with physical and intellectual disabilities. Combining counselling, occupational therapy, brain training,  biofeedback and other services, we help people identify common emotional and mental health concerns and equip them with the strategies to deal with them effectively.

Our team is highly skilled in all areas of psychology.  Sydney-siders can book an appointment at one of our offices located in the city where we offer a wide range of services to assist you on your road to wellness. Our services also incorporate telehealth, which means we can now offer our exceptional psychology services to anyone around Australia. Call today to speak with one of our friendly staff about your journey toward better mental health.



42 Gardeners Road, Kingsford, NSW 2032
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1300 197 949

9:00am to 5:00pm (Monday to Friday)

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