Speech Pathology Central West

At Direct Focus Solutions we are committed to helping our clients achieve better physical and mental health, wellbeing, and quality of life through holistic allied health services. These services include psychologyoccupational therapyneurofeedback therapy, support work and speech pathology.

With established clinics in Sydney and Wollongong, Direct Focus Solutions are now also offering Speech Pathology services to the Central West and Lithgow regions of Central NSW.

If you are unsure of what speech pathology is or whether it can help you, we are eager to teach you. Speech pathologists help to diagnose and provide intervention services to treat a range of delays and concerns that may interfere with a persons’ ability to communicate.

Our speech pathologists in Central West and Lithgow assist people with speaking, communicating and listening. They are adept at working with clients, their parents and carers, as well as other support providers in order to help the client achieve their speech, language and communication goals.

A speech pathologist also works to produce thorough assessments to inform personalised intervention programs for their clients. At DFS, our speech pathologists are highly skilled at establishing exceptional therapy plans for individuals who need support across a range of areas.

If you, a loved one, or someone under your care struggles with understanding or applying social and language skills such as reading, writing, talking, and listening engaging a speech pathologist is highly recommended.

The speech pathology team at DFS are qualified to support people with “difficulties that impair their speech and communication skills. This includes those who experience difficulty producing fluent speech (stuttering), individuals with Autism, Global Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability and Downs Syndrome.

There are a range of reasons why an individual may benefit from accessing speech pathology support in the Central West and Lithgow regions. No matter who you are, if you would like to receive compassionate and effective speech pathology, we encourage you to contact the DFS team.

If you have any concerns about your own or your child’s ability to communicate, we recommend reaching out to our team. This includes talking, understanding what other people say, stuttering or difficulty producing speech sounds . Our speech pathologists will conduct a thorough assessment and outline all your available options.?

While a referral is not required to access speech pathology in Central West or Lithgow, we do recommend initially speaking with your GP who can provide you with a Primary Health Care Plan. This may allow you to claim a portion of your therapy costs through Medicare.

Additionally, Direct Focus Solutions is a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider, and so is also able to provide speech pathology services under a client’s NDIS plan.

Living in regional areas such as Central West and its surrounds certainly has its benefits but it also presents challenges, particularly if you are in need of allied health and disability services.

Statistically, we know that people in regional centres who are experiencing developmental or acquired disability and mental health concerns can face difficulty finding a professional support service. Often, they don’t know where to look for support, or there are simply no services available in their area.

Lithgow and Central West are among several locations in New South Wales where our speech pathology team can provide assessment and intervention services for individuals presenting a diverse range of speech, language and communication concerns.

As part of our commitment to making essential therapies more accessible and effective for those in need, Direct Focus Solutions deliver our services in a number of ways and across flexible settings. Including:

  • Individual therapy – Individualised assessment and tailored intervention programs that are developed and delivered by our therapy teams.

  • Home-based therapy.

  • School and pre-school-based therapy.

  • Multi-therapist support – some clients may benefit from receiving therapy sessions from different therapists as part of an overall therapy plan (e.g. receiving both speech pathology and occupational therapy)

  • Telehealth services – Through telehealth, clients are able to access a range of therapy services, including speech pathology and mental health support, from Direct Focus Solutions online via a video call.

  • Training – Direct Focus Solutions provides personalised training opportunities for those who support individuals at home, at schools and in the community.

Our Services

Our Speech Pathology team in the Central West and Lithgow regions can provide services for those aged from infancy through to adolescence and adulthood who may be experiencing the following concerns:

Receptive and expressive language delays/disorders

Listening, comprehending and understanding spoken language. Including following instructions and/or being able to answer and respond to a range of questions.

Speech sound delays/disorders

Speaking clearly and being well understood by others.

Social communication and pragmatic difficulties

Developing play skills and social skills that are essential for learning language and interacting with others in a range of environments.

Literacy difficulties

Literacy difficulties such as challenges with spelling and reading.

Stuttering and fluency difficulties

Stuttering and fluency difficulties that stop the individual from speaking confidently, smoothly, and clearly.

Voice disorders

We support individuals to improve their clarity and quality of voice sounds (including volume) as well as enhancing their vocal hygiene.

We support individuals to improve their clarity and quality of voice sounds (including volume) as well as enhancing their vocal hygiene.

Augmentative or Alternative Communication (AAC)

Teaching the client how to utilise different forms of communication including Nonverbal communication, messaging apps, video calls, online forums, social media, Key Word Sign (KWS), low technology devices such as communication boards and Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS), and high tech devices such as Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) and Proloquo2Go.

The DFS Vision

Our vision as a team is to deliver evidence-based programs developed by a range of multidisciplinary staff to help you reach your goals.

Why Work With Us?

Our multidisciplinary approach and dedication to providing essential care for a number of regional areas positions us as your leading choice for Speech Pathology and other allied health services.

At Direct Focus Solutions we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive, holistic approach to allied health service delivery at our locations in SydneyWollongong and now, the Lithgow and Central West regions.

Our multidisciplinary team is comprised of speech pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists, support workers, neurofeedback technicians, and behavioural support practitioners, among others.

Our speech pathology team in the Central West and Lithgow regions work together with our multidisciplinary professionals from Sydney and Wollongong to provide our clients with the best and most effective approaches to physical and mental health and wellbeing.

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