What is ADHD & ADD?

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) are neurodevelopmental conditions characterised by an inability to plan, organise, and focus on tasks, which can affect children and adults. People with ADHD experience a delay in their ability to emotionally regulate themselves.

Up to one in ten children are now diagnosed with ADHD, which may be due to more effective and reliable methods for diagnosing the disorder, like with conditions like Autism.

Parents and teachers are now better equipped to help children with ADHD due to increased public and professional awareness of the condition. This has reduced the stigma associated with it.

ADD / ADHD Information

ADHD is characterised by persistent inability to suppress stimuli-induced responses, self-soothe, and emotionally regulate. It can be associated with cognitive impulsiveness, restlessness, and hyperactivity, making diagnosis difficult at certain ages. However, an ADHD assessment may be beneficial if children continue to exhibit these characteristics as they grow older.

Children with ADHD may appear less developmentally mature and fall behind academically. Other symptoms include speaking frequently and at length, doing the first thing that comes to mind, having a low tolerance for irritation, being fast to anger, and being unable to focus on work. These behaviours can lead to conflicts with parents and authority figures and inappropriate labels that denounce these children as ‘naughty’.

Although ADHD is frequently associated with childhood, and symptoms can improve as a child grows older, approximately 15% of children with ADHD continue to exhibit symptoms as adults. Approximately 2-3% of adults have active ADHD that affects their daily lives. Adults with ADHD may have similar problems as children, such as difficulty staying focused in the workplace and being easily distracted or forgetful. One of the most common concerns is difficulty managing time, such as missing deadlines and scheduling appointments.


  • Unable to self-soothe
  • Inability to suppress  responses to stimuli
  • Unable to emotionally regulate

People with ADHD can be helped with a range of treatments that assist to relieve symptoms. While the disorder is not curable, symptoms such as the inability to emotionally self-regulate can be controlled through therapy and training, better equipping children and adults with ADHD to lead stable and fulfilling lives.

The Direct Focus Solutions team is dedicated to giving people with ADHD the skills they require to manage their daily lives and interactions. We have teamed with the ADD/ADHD Treatment Centre, which has been assisting families in Sydney for over fifteen years.

Our ADHD treatments are tailored to each client. Our team collaborates holistically to discover the best methods for each person. This may involve medication therapies as recommended by your doctor, with our psychologists offering behavioural management, social skills training, and psychoeducation.

How we can help with ADHD?

We can provide comprehensive ADHD diagnostic assessments and can give recommendations regarding which therapies may best support you or your child. Do not hesitate to contact us today by phone or email. You can schedule an appointment with one of our experts at one of our clinics throughout Sydney, The Illawarra and the Central West. Alternatively, we can, arrange a Telehealth consultation with us from the location best suited to you.