Medico Legal Reports Central West

Medico-legal reports are written by doctors and other health professionals for various reasons including in support of legal proceedings such as personal injury and/or negligence cases, criminal litigation, and work-related injury claims, personal reasons, or by other organisations such as schools.

If you are navigating the legal system, we can provide assessments and reports to present during court appearances. Disputes arising within areas such as insurance claims, personal injury, public liability compensation and motor vehicle accidents can require legal intervention for resolution.

We work with sensitivity on complex cases and believe in a multidisciplinary approach

Psychological assessments and medico-legal reports are provided through our Central West clinic. They are commonly used in a variety of cases including civil and criminal cases, personal injury claims and public liability matters. These reports regularly assist the court in reaching its decision.

Our psychologists are accredited and qualified to conduct an extensive range of assessments to determine psychological and/or neurological injuries to provide reliable, evidence-based reports using proven methodology:

  • Cognitive –Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and Weschler Memory Scale (WMS)
  • Psychometric – Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) and Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)
  • PTSD screeners
  • Neuropsychological performance tests – Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuance performance test (IVA) and Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA)
  • We can also assess cognitive and neurological functioning with a qEEG (quantitative analysis of EEG function)

 At your initial session, you will be able to discuss your situation with one of our fully qualified and fully accredited practitioners. We can go through some of the approaches that may be helpful to you and take it from there.

Depending on the nature of the therapy you need, you may require more or less sessions than others, and there may be work you need to do outside of the session. For example, CBT often involves work to take away and do at home; some sessions may involve psychometric tests and often, several types of therapy may be undertaken to produce the best outcome.

We think it is important to get the right fit and at the end of your first session, our psychologists will make a recommendation as to what therapy you may benefit from and how many sessions you may need.

We offer assessment services to individuals, law firms and insurers who are working with clients who may present with issues including:

  • Anger management
  • Anxiety 
  • Bereavement
  • Bullying
  • Common assault charges
  • Drink driving (DUI) charges
  • Parenting and family capacity issues
  • Psychological workplace injuries
  • Relationship matters regarding separation
  • Substance dependence and possession
  • Trauma
  • Victims of crime

Our team of qualified and accredited professionals cover a range of fields including psychology, speech therapy and occupational therapy.

We work with sensitivity on complex cases and believe in a multidisciplinary approach to facilitate a range of therapy plans and psychological services for clients as required. Our coverage extends to a range of mental health issues and injuries including post-traumatic stress disorder, mood instability, anxiety disorders and depression.


Civil cases may include psychological factors related to:


Expert opinion may be required to assess an individual’s mental state or their fitness to testify. In some cases, we may be asked to comment on defences such as the presence of an emotional or developmental disorder.

Personal Injury

A report may be required to establish psychiatric injuries in personal injury cases. Post-injury assessments are carried out by our experts to reveal the extent of the psychological impact of an accident.

An expert report on the extent of your injuries, the symptoms you are experiencing and the impact on your life can be very helpful to explain and simplify complex issues through a format that is easier to understand


Family law cases present their own unique set of challenges. When there are children involved, proceedings can become difficult and emotional. Our psychologists are experienced in providing a wide range of objective, comprehensive assessments that outline behavioural, emotional, and social needs, along with risk and impact considerations.

Contact us for your Medico Legal Reports Central West

Contact us today to find out more about our services for medico-legal reports. Central West-based, we are conveniently located and can offer expert witness psychological assessments and reports that can assist you in your case.

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