Performance Enhancement

An introduction to a Performance Enhancement Program

A PEP is a model that analyses abilities, identifies barriers, and allows for personal development in any given field. Performance programs have been used within the corporate sector as a catalyst for success and growth, as well as in sport to drive teams and individual athletes to reach optimal athletic performance. The leading edge of such a program gives it a demonstrable advantage over competition as well as an ongoing tool to manage all manner of challenges in everyday life. PEPs are not a new concept and have been utilised by individuals, teams, and organisations to achieve specific objectives and goals. The Australian Institute of Sports (AIS) has pioneered strategies around performance and enhancement and specifically employs psychological components within their performance programs for elite athletes. Of note, peak performance neurofeedback has been recognised internationally and used as part of performance enhancement programs by:

  • The Pro golf circuit
  • Formula 1 teams
  • NASA astronaut training center
  • United States Olympic Training Center
  • English Institute of Sport (Olympic Training Center)
  • US Special Forces and Navy Seals training
  • United States Army Centers for Enhanced Performance
  • Human Performance Institute, Australian Special Forces

Recovery is the foundation of peak performance, but not just physical recovery – it has to be psychophysiological. The brain has built-in mechanisms that control the nervous system to switch on rapid recovery, which puts an individual into positive and confident mood states, even when the body is still tired. This benefits individuals and teams in the sporting arena but also in their personal lives as the demands of work and perhaps family, along with training and playing, can be difficult. High quality psychophysiological recovery will ensure the highest level of stress resilience and positive mood for the individual, enabling them to deal with these demands more effectively. Importantly, there is an identifiable link between neurological and physiological systems. This state of mind is commonly referred to as “being in the zone”, “on fire”, and/or experiencing the “flow.”

Tailored Program Development

A tailored PEP is recommended to optimise individual performance and beyond. The program will be based on assessment and implementation, focusing on recovery, resilience, mental toughness, and peak performance. The key components of the program include:

  1. Psychological (Mind)
  2. Neurological (Brain)
  3. Physiological (Body)


Facilitation of inner mental training strategies for positive self-talk, self-belief and state management to enhance mental toughness under pressure.


Neurofeedback is an adjunct therapy that can be used as a cutting-edge brain training tool to map function and train specific parts of the brain to balance and coordinate:

  • Emotional arousal
  • Focus
  • Mental clarity


To promote strong neurophysiological connection, exercises and strategies would be implemented to optimise or improve:

  • Fluidity of movement patterns
  • Sensory processing (movement/balance sense and joint awareness sense)
  • Strength and endurance through core activation
  • Hand/eye coordination