Behaviour Support Sydney

Behaviour Support at Direct Focus Solutions

Behaviour supports are evidence-based tools and strategies developed by Allied Health
practitioners with the aim of addressing any behaviours of concern expressed by a person with disabilities. Behaviour supports will typically include assessments of a client’s behaviour, analysis of the causes of this behaviour, and the implementation of strategies and supports to address them. Our supports at Direct Focus Solutions are person-centred and prioritise the safety, dignity, and quality of life of all people with disability, applying specialist advice to best fit their unique context and circumstances. Behaviour support plans are a key component of any Behaviour Support. They are created in consultation with the person with disabilities, alongside their carers, family members, and other support persons in order to address the root causes of behaviours of concern.

Behaviours of concern (also called challenging behaviours) are any behaviours which serve
to escalate situations for people with disability and impact negatively upon the mental or
physical wellbeing of themselves or those around them. Behaviours of concern may be
managed effectively through professionally developed behaviour support plans. Some
examples of behaviours of concern include:

  • Emotional outbursts
  • Shouting or screaming
  • Violent reactions (hitting, shoving, kicking, biting, etc.)
  • Running away or disengaging with activities
  • Loss of physical or emotional control

Behaviour support practitioners are individuals authorised by the NDIS to perform
behaviour support assessments (including functional behavioural assessments) and develop
behaviour support plans to assist clients with disability and address their behaviours of
concern. Behaviour support practitioners recognise that behaviours of concern (such as
aggression and defiance) are the result of complex interactions between a person and their

Behaviour support plans are developed in close consultation with a person with disabilities
(such as the client) alongside each of their relevant stakeholders. These may include family
members, friends, carers, and other service providers or advocates. The focus of a
behaviour support plan is on ensuring the client's wellbeing, and minimising or eliminating
the use of restrictive practices while preserving their quality of life. Restrictive practices are
interventions that are designed to restrict a client’s movement and potential actions in
response to behaviours of concern.

The components of a behaviour support plan may include:

  • Setting outcomes and goals
  • Prevention strategies
  • Instruction in replacement skills and coping strategies
  • Identifying triggers for behaviours
  • Teaching new ways to respond to behaviours of concern

All clients will begin their management of behaviours of concern at DFS with an initial
appointment. During this session, clients will meet with an expert behaviour support
practitioner so that a greater understanding of the client’s needs, concerns, and history of
behaviours can be established. Behaviour support assessments will also be conducted to
determine what elements will be most suitable for the client’s behaviour support plan.
All behaviour support plans at DFS will be developed in conjunction with evidence-based
practices and overseen by a registered specialist behaviour support practitioner. Interim
behaviour support plans will later be developed after the initial plan is formulated to review
restrictive practices (if in place) and their authorisation. A comprehensive behaviour support
plan will also be developed that will contain both a functional assessment as well as fade
out strategies for any restrictive practices that may be in place.

Contact Us

If you or a family member are struggling with behaviours of concern and feel that a structured behaviour support plan would be beneficial, please do not hesitate to contact us and arrange and appointment on 1300 197 949 or by using our contact form.


42 Gardeners Road, Kingsford, NSW 2032
Phone number

Phone number

1300 197 949

9:00am to 5:00pm (Monday to Friday)

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